Vale Clive Ball

Sadly, the inevitable has occurred, and Clive has passed away peacefully this morning, 6/2/24, at around 11:30 am.

There will be no funeral.


Time: 0.220032 / SQL: 0.01295s for 36 queries / Net Memory: 9694992 / Peak: 10330792
Debug: (0.007383) - (net usage: 884032) - (peak: 1511856)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.009477) - (net usage: 1222184) - (peak: 1701384)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.009496) - (net usage: 1222344) - (peak: 1701384)
initialize internal global cache
Debug: (0.011094) - (net usage: 1564712) - (peak: 2022384)
done initializing global cache
Debug: (0.011119) - (net usage: 1564176) - (peak: 2022384)
Loading Modules
Debug: (0.029458) - (net usage: 3996000) - (peak: 4738440)
Debug: (0.036219) - (net usage: 4766968) - (peak: 5301872)
End of Loading Modules
Debug: (0.037229) - (net usage: 4886280) - (peak: 5342776)
SELECT * FROM cms_mod_cmsjobmgr WHERE start < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND created < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ORDER BY errors ASC,created ASC LIMIT 1
Debug: (0.037526) - (net usage: 4869888) - (peak: 5342776)
UPDATE cms_siteprefs SET sitepref_value = 1735206863 WHERE sitepref_name = 'CmsJobManager_mapi_pref_tasks_lastcheck'
Debug: (0.038356) - (net usage: 4919640) - (peak: 5365720)
SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.040677) - (net usage: 5010016) - (peak: 5481064)
INSERT INTO cms_mod_cmsjobmgr (name,created,module,errors,start,recurs,until,data) VALUES ('CGExtensions\\HourlyHookTask',1735206863,'CGExtensions',0,1735206863,NULL,NULL,'O:23:\"CMSMS\\Async\\RegularTask\":7:{s:30:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\RegularTask\0_task\";O:27:\"CGExtensions\\HourlyHookTask\":0:{}s:20:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_id\";N;s:22:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_name\";s:27:\"CGExtensions\\HourlyHookTask\";s:25:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_created\";i:1735206863;s:24:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_module\";s:12:\"CGExtensions\";s:23:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_start\";i:1735206863;s:24:\"\0CMSMS\\Async\\Job\0_errors\";N;}')
Debug: (0.043382) - (net usage: 5255408) - (peak: 5825272)
SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = 1 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.046734) - (net usage: 5680168) - (peak: 6449376)
UPDATE cms_siteprefs SET sitepref_value = 1735206864 WHERE sitepref_name = 'CmsJobManager_mapi_pref_last_async_trigger'
Debug: (0.131141) - (net usage: 5630968) - (peak: 6449376)
Initialize Smarty
Debug: (0.131185) - (net usage: 5631128) - (peak: 6449376)
Done Initialing Smarty
Debug: (0.131508) - (net usage: 5701408) - (peak: 6449376)
SELECT sitepref_name,sitepref_value FROM cms_siteprefs
Debug: (0.132077) - (net usage: 5676584) - (peak: 6449376)
cms_content_cache: begin load needed content objects
Debug: (0.132238) - (net usage: 5677480) - (peak: 6449376)
cms_content_cache: end loading needed content objects
Debug: (0.132968) - (net usage: 5918760) - (peak: 6449376)
SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = 39 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.136211) - (net usage: 6390352) - (peak: 7153112)
process template top
Debug: (0.137926) - (net usage: 6607808) - (peak: 7263096)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE id = 36 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.148089) - (net usage: 8074744) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 39
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin Navigator/function':(0.150342) - (net usage: 8120376) - (peak: 9621464)
Debug: (0.150968) - (net usage: 8167192) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_module_smarty_plugins ORDER BY module
Debug: (0.153189) - (net usage: 8236968) - (peak: 9621464)
Start Navigator default action
Debug: (0.153516) - (net usage: 8258152) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE name = 'Constra_Menu' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.154395) - (net usage: 8289928) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = 1
Debug: (0.15497) - (net usage: 8298392) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (33,34,35,40,41,43,45,61,62,63) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.15578) - (net usage: 8328360) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id IN (33,34,35,40,41,43,45,61,62,63) ORDER BY content_id
Debug: (0.157124) - (net usage: 8453472) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (52,53,54,55,56,57,58,64,60,59,65) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.158013) - (net usage: 8506728) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id IN (52,53,54,55,56,57,58,64,60,59,65) ORDER BY content_id
Debug: (0.159036) - (net usage: 8644360) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (36,37,38,42,66) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.159554) - (net usage: 8665096) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id IN (36,37,38,42,66) ORDER BY content_id
Debug: (0.160382) - (net usage: 8737520) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (44,51) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.160728) - (net usage: 8745752) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id IN (44,51) ORDER BY content_id
Debug: (0.161281) - (net usage: 8783464) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (46,47,48,49) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.16166) - (net usage: 8797448) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id IN (46,47,48) ORDER BY content_id
Debug: (0.162178) - (net usage: 8837336) - (peak: 9621464)
SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (49) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.174773) - (net usage: 9128168) - (peak: 9623808)
End Navigator default action
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin news/function':(0.175444) - (net usage: 9082464) - (peak: 9623808)
Debug: (0.176857) - (net usage: 9163192) - (peak: 9679232)
SELECT * FROM cms_layout_templates WHERE name = 'News Monthly' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.177588) - (net usage: 9260840) - (peak: 9706920)
            FROM cms_module_news mn
            LEFT OUTER JOIN cms_module_news_categories mnc
            ON mnc.news_category_id = mn.news_category_id
            LEFT OUTER JOIN cms_users u
            ON u.user_id = mn.author_id
                status = 'published'
        IF(start_time IS NULL AND end_time IS NULL,news_date <= NOW(),NOw() BETWEEN start_time AND end_time)ORDER BY mn.news_date desc LIMIT 0, 1000
Debug: (0.177749) - (net usage: 9282520) - (peak: 9728600)
Debug: (0.179146) - (net usage: 9495936) - (peak: 10006192)
SELECT * FROM cms_module_news_fielddefs WHERE public = 1 ORDER BY item_order
Debug: (0.179846) - (net usage: 9500856) - (peak: 10006192)
SELECT A.news_id,A.fielddef_id,A.value FROM cms_module_news_fieldvals A
              INNER JOIN cms_module_news_fielddefs B
              ON A.fielddef_id =
              WHERE news_id IN (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24)
              ORDER BY A.news_id,B.item_order
Debug: (0.182618) - (net usage: 9620696) - (peak: 10066776)
SELECT * FROM cms_module_news_categories ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.183058) - (net usage: 9626216) - (peak: 10072296)
SELECT news_category_id,COUNT(news_id) AS cnt FROM cms_module_news WHERE news_category_id IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) AND ( IFNULL(start_time, '1970-01-01 10:00:01') < '2024-12-26 19:54:23')  AND (( IFNULL(end_time, '1970-01-01 10:00:01') = '1970-01-01 10:00:01') OR (end_time > '2024-12-26 19:54:23'))  AND status = 'published' GROUP BY news_category_id
Debug: (0.219022) - (net usage: 9700312) - (peak: 10330792)
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS FROM cms_layout_stylesheets S LEFT JOIN cms_layout_design_cssassoc D ON = D.css_id WHERE D.design_id = 10 ORDER BY D.item_order ASC LIMIT 0, 1000
Debug: (0.219159) - (net usage: 9717416) - (peak: 10330792)
Debug: (0.219816) - (net usage: 9708584) - (peak: 10330792)
INSERT INTO cms_adminlog (timestamp, user_id, username, item_id, item_name, action, ip_addr) VALUES (1735206863,0,NULL,-1,'cms_stylesheet','No stylesheets matched the criteria specified',NULL)
Debug: (0.219876) - (net usage: 9680496) - (peak: 10330792)
calling module Gallery from event ContentPostRender